We have new payment methods so you can buy what you want, how you want. Pay for your purchases after receiving them or, if you prefer, little by little. Enjoy your purchase by making your payment with SeQura.
It's that easy, fast and safe to buy with SeQura:
1. Select SeQura as your payment method when completing your order.
2. Fill in your details and we will instantly confirm your purchase.
3. Enjoy your purchase without worrying about payment!

  • Pay Later (up to 7 days after shipping)
Receive your order and check it before paying. We will notify you when your order leaves the store and you will have 7 days to check and pay, without additional charges.
It's that easy, fast and safe to buy with SeQura's Pay After:
1. Select Pay Later as your payment method when you complete your purchase.
2. Enter your details (ID and mobile number). No payment details required and no additional cost.
3. Enjoy your purchase! Check your order and pay for it within 7 days after shipment. SeQura will notify you by email of the date and payment method.
If you have any questions, please ask them here .

  • Flexi Pay

Choose to pay with total flexibility. You decide, with no interest or a small fee and terms of up to 24 months. Advance payments or change dates, you are in control of your finances. Clear, transparent costs and instant approval.


Sounds good, doesn't it? Make your purchases with seQura in a flash. With just 5 details, without paperwork and without uploading any documents. Easy, fast and secure.

  1. Choose seQura as your payment method and select the number of installments when completing your order.
  2. Fill in 5 details and we will instantly confirm your purchase. Today you only pay the first installment.
  3. Enjoy your shopping and pay comfortably. Your payments will be made automatically every month.

If you have any questions, please ask them here .


Naïve was born as a free-time brand, inspired mainly by the Mediterranean, where its creator spends most of his life, enjoying the beauty of its landscapes and places. The spirit of the brand is also characterized by being urban and cosmopolitan, the result of constant travels through European cities, which inspire its products.

Naïve has two collections a year, differentiated by season, Summer and Winter, in which each has its main protagonist: socks in winter and swimsuits in summer. Both are complemented by a variety of products related to each season.

With this, Naïve achieves perfect harmony throughout the year, creating a "from head to toe" that reflects the philosophy of free time, which for Naïve means fun and relaxation.

Naive and sustainability

NAIVE's CSR Policy is firmly based on the sustainability of its business model.

Sustainability is understood as a fashion product offering that rigorously respects Human and Social Rights in the supply chain and meets the most demanding environmental and health and safety standards, all on the basis of transparency.