Socks naive, SL, as the owner of this website, makes this document available to its users with which it intends to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, on Company Services of Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), as well as informing them about the conditions of use of the website.
Any person who accesses this website assumes the role of user, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable. If, together with access to the website, some type of contractual or legal relationship occurs, the conditions of said relationship must also be observed, and in particular in the event of a sale, the Conditions of Sale must be observed (http://socksnaive .com/terms-and-conditions). The owner reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without there being any obligation to notify or inform users of said obligations, with publication on the website being understood as sufficient.


Through this online store you will be allowed to buy some of the items available in our stores. In addition, you can enjoy promotions, gifts and special offers, designed exclusively for you.


All acts that violate the law, rights or interests of third parties, right to privacy, data protection, intellectual property, etc. are prohibited. The following behaviors are expressly, but not limited to, prohibited:

Carry out actions that may produce on the website or through it by any means any type of damage to the web systems or to third parties.

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Access to your website may be interrupted at any time if you detect a use contrary to law, good faith or these general conditions.


    Naïve was born as a free-time brand, inspired mainly by the Mediterranean, where its creator spends most of his life, enjoying the beauty of its landscapes and places. The spirit of the brand is also characterized by being urban and cosmopolitan, the result of constant travels through European cities, which inspire its products.

    Naïve has two collections a year, differentiated by season, Summer and Winter, in which each has its main protagonist: socks in winter and swimsuits in summer. Both are complemented by a variety of products related to each season.

    With this, Naïve achieves perfect harmony throughout the year, creating a "from head to toe" that reflects the philosophy of free time, which for Naïve means fun and relaxation.

    Naive and sustainability

    NAIVE's CSR Policy is firmly based on the sustainability of its business model.

    Sustainability is understood as a fashion product offering that rigorously respects Human and Social Rights in the supply chain and meets the most demanding environmental and health and safety standards, all on the basis of transparency.